International Conference UP24 Illuminates Novel Insights in Energy Minimization and Polarization
The International Conference on Unexpected Phenomena in Energy Minimization and Polarization (UP24) concluded its highly anticipated sessions this week, drawing mathematicians from ten countries across the globe to share groundbreaking research and emerging trends in this important domain. Hosted at the prestigious Hyatt Regency Sofia Hotel, the conference spanned five days, from December 9th to 13th.
New Program of the ICMS – Quantum Groups and Cluster Algebras
The International Center for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia (ICMS-Sofia) is happy to announce that based on a strong selection process done by the Recruitment committee, the Advisory Board of ICMS-Sofia approved Prof. Milen Yakimov as a Chair of a new program Quantum Groups and Cluster Algebras
Tropical compactifications of moduli spaces – part 2, a talk by Lionel Lang
The Geometry Seminar of the ICMS presents a talk by Lionel Lang (University of Gävle). On 04.12.2024, 16:00, Sofia time he will describe various tropical compactifications of the moduli spaces of curves. He will discuss some motivations and applications coming from tropical geometry (joint with M. Melo, J. Rau and F. Viviani).
New Programme of the ICMS – Theory of Atoms
The International Center for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia (ICMS-Sofia) is happy to announce that based on a strong selection process done by the Recruitment committee, the Advisory Board of ICMS-Sofia approved Prof. Ludmil Katzarkov as a Chair of a new programme - Theory of Atoms.
Generalized integral points and strong approximation, talk by Boaz Moerman
A seminar talk by Boaz Moerman, Utrecht University
Abstract: The Chinese remainder theorem states that given coprime integers p_1, ..., p_n and integers a_1, ..., a_n, we can always find an integer m such that m ~ a_i mod p_i for all i. Similarly given distinct numbers x_1,..., x_n and y_1, ..., y_n we can find a polynomial f such that f(x_i)=y_i. These statements are two instances of strong approximation for the affine line (over the integers Z and the polynomials k[x] over a field k). In this talk we will consider when an analogue of this holds for special subsets of Z and k[x], such as squarefree integers or polynomials without simple roots, and different varieties. We give a precise description for which subsets this holds on a toric variety.
IMSAC Days in Sofia
The event is set to gather prominent mathematicians and researchers from around the world, fostering an environment of knowledge exchange and collaboration. The event will feature a series of presentations and discussions on cutting-edge developments in mathematical sciences. IMSAC Days in Sofia aims to celebrate the very successful collaboration between the institutes involved in the Institute of the Mathematical Sciences of the Americas Consortium (IMSAC). It will solidify connections and further expand the prosperous cooperation between these esteemed institutions.