About us
The newly established International Center for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia is a dynamic research unit for developing and dissemination of cutting edge new directions in Mathematics. It is affiliated with the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences which is providing the infrastructure for the activities of the Center. The Center is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria and Simons Foundation. The Activities of the ICMS – Sofia are carried out in collaboration with the Institute of the Mathematical Sciences of the Americas at the University of Miami (IMSA). The ICMS-Sofia is also working in collaboration with Bulgarian universities and institutes of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
The Center was created following inspirational discussions with many members of the mathematical community in Bulgaria and the Bulgarian mathematical diaspora. In July 2019, ICMS-Sofia initiated its full-scale presence on the European mathematical scene with the full support of the Presidency of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The first director of ICMS-Sofia was Acad. Blagovest Sendov.
In 2020, the International Center for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia became a partner in the Institute of the Mathematical Sciences of the Americas Consortium (IMSAC), which includes a group of universities from Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe, and USA. The purpose of this consortium is a collaboration between institutions in higher education and establishment of joint research activities.
Our Mission
The mission of ICMS-Sofia is:
- To foster and facilitate research in Mathematics and its applications.
- To disseminate advances in this research broadly and interactively to the global mathematical and scientific communities in South-Eastern Europe.
- To build national and international capacity in the mathematical science and education workforce, by providing targeted educational opportunities at key points of human intellectual development from high school through postdoctoral training.
- To foster the involvement of Bulgarian mathematicians in international projects, with a special emphasis on the professional development of young Bulgarian mathematicians.
- To facilitate a gradually stronger involvement of Bulgarian mathematicians working abroad in advancing Mathematics research and education in Bulgaria.
An essential part of the activities of the Center is directed towards making a research and educational impact on cutting edge mathematical problems. For that purpose, the Center is organizing two thematic research programmes per year, each of them a semester long, as well as two group research projects, each an year long. Тhis is complemented by several colloquiums and individual lectures. The topics and participants of the programmes and projects, and the colloquium speakers are specified by the Advisory Board.
– Conferences
– Semesters
– Educational workshops