
30 01, 2025

New Program of the ICMS: Algebraic, Computational, and Topological Perspectives on Complexity

2025-01-30T13:51:24+02:00January 30th, 2025|News|

The International Center for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia (ICMS-Sofia) is happy to announce that based on a strong selection process done by the Recruitment committee, the Advisory Board of ICMS-Sofia approved Prof. Ernesto Lupercio as a Chair of a new program Algebraic, Computational, and Topological Perspectives on Complexity

30 01, 2025

Fourier quasicrystals and their generalizations, zeros of Dirichlet series, other almost periodic objects, ICMS seminar talk by Sergey Favorov

2025-01-30T13:52:36+02:00January 30th, 2025|ICMS Seminar, News|

A complex measure $\mu$ on a $d$-dimensional Euclidean space is a crystalline measure (CM) if it is the temperate distribution, its distributional Fourier transform $\hat\mu$ is also a measure, and supports of $\mu$ and $\hat\mu$ are discrete (locally finite); $\mu$ is a Fourier quasicrystal (FQ) if, in addition, $|\mu|$ and $|\hat\mu|$ are also temperate distributions. For example, if $\mu_0$ is the sum of the unit masses at all points with integer coordinates, then by Poisson's formula $\hat\mu_0=\mu_0$. Hence, $\mu_0$ is FQ. We show a theorem of Lev-Olevskii on a sufficient condition for trivialization of FQ. Then we discuss a simple condition for CM to be FQ and present CM that is not FQ. We recall the notion of an almost periodic function, introduce the notions of almost periodic measures, distributions, sets, and show their connections with CM. In paricular, we get various uniqueness theorems for FQ. Finally, we show the description of FQ with unit masses as zeros of exponential polynomials due to Olevskii and Ulanovskii, and discuss some generalizations to zeros of Dirichlet series and to measures in a horizontal strip of finite width.

30 01, 2025

Yukawa regulators in electrodynamics: Exact approach to the self-energy and anomalous g-factor, ICMS seminar talk by Miroslav Georgiev

2025-01-30T13:48:52+02:00January 30th, 2025|ICMS Seminar, News|

In the present talk, we will discuss the prospect of electrodynamics in quantifying the self-interaction of a non-composite charged particle. We will demonstrate that under the consideration of unique to the particle Yukawa cut-offs the radial singularity in corresponding electromagnetic field potentials’ is removed allowing the classical theory to admit exact solutions for the particle’s self-energy and anomalous g-factor.

10 01, 2025

Regularized Quantum Motion in a Bounded Set: Hilbertian Aspects, talk by Jean-Pierre Gazeau

2025-01-10T14:54:31+02:00January 10th, 2025|ICMS Seminar, News|

In this talk, we demonstrate that essential self-adjointness can be restored by symmetrically weighting the momentum operator with a positive bounded function that approximates the indicator function of the given interval. This weighted momentum operator arises naturally from a similarly weighted classical momentum through the Weyl-Heisenberg covariant integral quantization of functions or distributions.

19 12, 2024

International Educational Workshop on the Theory of Atoms: Foundations, Advances, and Future Directions

2024-12-19T16:57:45+02:00December 19th, 2024|News|

From December 16 to 19, 2024, we hosted an educational workshop on the Theory of Atoms. The goal of this workshop was to explain the foundations of the new theory of atoms, introduced recently by L. Katzarkov, M. Kontsevich, T. Pantev and T. Yu. The workshop attracted over 40 researchers from around the world, including Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Mexico, South Korea, Switzerland, and the USA, underscoring its global significance. The event marked the launch of a new 5-year program on the Theory of Atoms, supported by a grant from the Simons Foundation and funding from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria.

13 12, 2024

Celebrating Women in Mathematics

2024-12-13T15:06:39+02:00December 13th, 2024|News|

The Fifth International Conference "Women in Mathematics in South-Eastern Europe" was officially opened, bringing together prominent mathematicians from a variety of fields. The event serves as a platform for fostering collaboration and highlighting the achievements of women in mathematics. The opening ceremony was graced by the presence of the President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Prof. Evelina Slavcheva. In her opening remarks, Prof. Slavcheva emphasized the essential role of women in advancing science, particularly in the field of mathematics.

13 12, 2024

International Conference UP24 Illuminates Novel Insights in Energy Minimization and Polarization

2024-12-13T14:46:20+02:00December 13th, 2024|Conferences, News|

The International Conference on Unexpected Phenomena in Energy Minimization and Polarization (UP24) concluded its highly anticipated sessions this week, drawing mathematicians from ten countries across the globe to share groundbreaking research and emerging trends in this important domain. Hosted at the prestigious Hyatt Regency Sofia Hotel, the conference spanned five days, from December 9th to 13th.

11 12, 2024

New Program of the ICMS – Quantum Groups and Cluster Algebras

2024-12-11T12:57:26+02:00December 11th, 2024|News|

The International Center for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia (ICMS-Sofia) is happy to announce that based on a strong selection process done by the Recruitment committee, the Advisory Board of ICMS-Sofia approved Prof. Milen Yakimov as a Chair of a new program Quantum Groups and Cluster Algebras

29 11, 2024

Tropical compactifications of moduli spaces – part 2, a talk by Lionel Lang

2024-11-29T14:00:40+02:00November 29th, 2024|Geometry Seminar, News|

The Geometry Seminar of the ICMS presents a talk by Lionel Lang (University of Gävle). On 04.12.2024, 16:00, Sofia time he will describe various tropical compactifications of the moduli spaces of curves. He will discuss some motivations and applications coming from tropical geometry (joint with M. Melo, J. Rau and F. Viviani).

2 10, 2024

New Programme of the ICMS – Theory of Atoms

2024-10-03T12:30:36+03:00October 2nd, 2024|News|

The International Center for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia (ICMS-Sofia) is happy to announce that based on a strong selection process done by the Recruitment committee, the Advisory Board of ICMS-Sofia approved Prof. Ludmil Katzarkov as a Chair of a new programme - Theory of Atoms.

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