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The International Center for Mathematical Sciences – Sofia (ICMS-Sofia) at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is organizing the international conference Diophantine and Rationality Problems (DRP2025). The conference will be held on March 10 – 14, 2025, in Sofia, Bulgaria.
The conference will explore the newest developments around classical qualitative and quantitative questions for rational, integral, Campana and related notions of points on schemes and stacks, together with new insights on rationality questions over non-closed fields.
Organisers: Ludmil Katzarkov, Vladimir Mitankin
A complex measure $\mu$ on a $d$-dimensional Euclidean space is a crystalline measure (CM) if it is the temperate distribution, its distributional Fourier transform $\hat\mu$ is also a measure, and supports of $\mu$ and $\hat\mu$ are discrete (locally finite); $\mu$ is a Fourier quasicrystal (FQ) if, in addition, $|\mu|$ and $|\hat\mu|$ are also temperate distributions. For example, if $\mu_0$ is the sum of the unit masses at all points with integer coordinates, then by Poisson's formula $\hat\mu_0=\mu_0$. Hence, $\mu_0$ is FQ.
In the present talk, we will discuss the prospect of electrodynamics in quantifying the self-interaction of a non-composite charged particle. We will demonstrate that under the consideration of unique to the particle Yukawa cut-offs the radial singularity in corresponding electromagnetic field potentials’ is removed allowing the classical theory to admit exact solutions for the particle’s self-energy and anomalous g-factor.
It is well known that the momentum operator canonically conjugated to the position operator for a particle confined within a bounded interval of the line (with Dirichlet boundary conditions) is not essentially self-adjoint, as it possesses a continuum of self-adjoint extensions. In this talk, we demonstrate that essential self-adjointness can be restored by symmetrically weighting the momentum operator with a positive bounded function that approximates the indicator function of the given interval. This weighted momentum operator arises naturally from a similarly weighted classical momentum through the Weyl-Heisenberg covariant integral quantization of functions or distributions.