ICMS Seminar

3 09, 2024

Generalized integral points and strong approximation, talk by Boaz Moerman

2024-09-03T15:58:55+03:00September 3rd, 2024|ICMS Seminar, News|

A seminar talk by Boaz Moerman, Utrecht University

Abstract: The Chinese remainder theorem states that given coprime integers p_1, ..., p_n and integers a_1, ..., a_n, we can always find an integer m such that m ~ a_i mod p_i for all i. Similarly given distinct numbers x_1,..., x_n and y_1, ..., y_n we can find a polynomial f such that f(x_i)=y_i. These statements are two instances of strong approximation for the affine line (over the integers Z and the polynomials k[x] over a field k). In this talk we will consider when an analogue of this holds for special subsets of Z and k[x], such as squarefree integers or polynomials without simple roots, and different varieties. We give a precise description for which subsets this holds on a toric variety.

1 08, 2024

P-adic L-functions and the geometry of the Eigencurve, talk by Mladen Dimitrov

2024-08-01T15:18:54+03:00August 1st, 2024|ICMS Seminar, News|

An ICMS seminar talk by Mladen Dimitrov, University of Lille

Abstract: An amazing feature of the p-adic L-functions is their ability to live in families, thus their laws are governed by the geometry of p-adic eigenvarieties. In this lecture we will illustrate this philosophy through examples coming from classical modular forms and the Coleman-Mazur eigencurve.

26 07, 2024

Rational points and Campana points on toric varieties and their subvarieties, talk by Marta Pieropan

2024-07-29T22:29:11+03:00July 26th, 2024|ICMS Seminar, News|

A seminar talk by Marta Pieropan, Utrecht University

Abstract: In joint work with Damaris Schindler we develop a new version of the hyperbola method for counting rational points of bounded height that generalizes the work of Blomer and Brüdern for products of projective spaces. The hyperbola method transforms a counting problem into an optimization problem on certain polytopes. For rational points on subvarieties of toric varieties, the polytopes have a geometric meaning that reflects Manin's conjecture, and the same holds for counts of Campana points of bounded height. I will present our results as well as some general heuristics.

23 05, 2024

Multivariate P- and Q-polynomial association schemes, talk by Eiichi Bannai

2024-07-29T22:33:36+03:00May 23rd, 2024|ICMS Seminar, News|

The talk aims to review the progress in the study of higher rank P-and Q-polynomial association schemes, starting with the foundational concepts and recent advancements as outlined in the referenced papers. It will provide explicit examples of multivariate P-and Q-polynomial association schemes and explore the implications of these developments. The discussion will draw from multiple sources, including recent significant contributions by Bernard et al. and Crampé et al., and will conclude with speculations on future directions for research in this area.

This talk is based on the two joint papers with Hirotake  Kurihara (Yamaguchi University), Da Zhao (East China University of Science  and Technology) and Yan Zhu (Shanghai University for Science and Technology).  

8 02, 2024

Quantum circuit complexity for light polarisation or complexity with no complex number, talk by Jean-Pierre Gazeau

2024-02-12T09:43:47+02:00February 8th, 2024|ICMS Seminar, News|

I will present a form of quantum circuit complexity that extends to open systems. To illustrate the methodology, I  focus on a basic model where the Hilbert space of states is represented by the Euclidean plane. Specifically, the  investigation is about the dynamics of mixed quantum states as they undergo interactions with a sequence of gates.

2 02, 2024

A categorical view of singularity theory I and II, talks by Paul Horja

2024-02-02T12:36:00+02:00February 2nd, 2024|ICMS Seminar, News|

The mirror symmetry phenomenon was discovered by string theorists more than thirty years ago as an equivalence of two physical theories associated with very different geometries. The categorical point of view on this remarkable conjecture was famously introduced by M. Kontsevich in his 1994 ICM talk. As it became clear over time, homological mirror symmetry provides new approaches to many topics in symplectic and algebraic geometry. In these two talks, I will present a brief overview of the conjecture as well as some results inspired by mirror symmetry and obtained in joint work with L. Katzarkov about classical problems on discriminants and singularity theory.

12 01, 2024

The H-flux on flag manifolds generated by infinitesimal T-duality, talk by Carlos Varea

2024-01-12T13:04:33+02:00January 12th, 2024|ICMS Seminar, News|

A talk by Carlos Varea, (Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Campus Cornélio Procópio, Brazil) on January 16, 14:00 Sofia time.

10 01, 2024

Nilpotent algebras, groups and beyond, talk by Yuri Bahturin

2024-01-15T14:38:13+02:00January 10th, 2024|ICMS Seminar, News|

We study various correspondences between finite-dimensional nilpotent algebras and (quasi)groups similar to those given by the circle product in the case of associative algebras or by the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formulas in the case of Lie algebras or their generalizations. In the particular case of Malcev's correspondence, we obtain some new results about groups using Lie algebras and vice versa.

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