Andrés Navas is a mathematician specializing in dynamical systems, geometry, and group theory and is a world-renowned expert in ergodic theory. He was a student of Étienne Ghys. For his scientific achievements, he was awarded the MCA prize.
Research Seminar
Arc-Connectedness of the Space of 1-Dimensional Commuting Diffeomorphisms
Andrés Navas, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
University of Miami & IMSA
Tuesday, January 17, 2023, 2:30pm
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Abstract: Most of this talk will be devoted to explain the ideas of a recent work in collaboration with Hélène Eynard-Bontemps (Inst. Fourier, Grenoble) about connectedness properties of the space of commuting diffeomorphisms of 1-manifolds.
General Audience Seminar
Khajuraho’s Magic Square is a Hypercube
Andrés Navas, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
University of Miami & IMSA
Tuesday, January 17, 2023, 4:00pm
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Abstract: Among (pan)magic squares, the one engraved in a temple in the sacred city of Khajuraho in India is one of the most striking ones. I will focus on this marvelous object from the point of view of symmetries. In concrete terms, I will explain why the group attached to it is isomorphic to that of 384 rigid movements of the hypercube. To do this, I will revisit Pandita’s theorem on counting the number of panmagic squares of order 4. Several mathematical questions on groups of symmetries of general magic structures will be presented.