ICMS Seminar

ICMS Seminar

The ICMS seminar aims to present and disseminate advances in different fields of the contemporary fundamental and applied mathematics, and to promote new cutting edge directions in Mathematics.

The ICMS seminar aims to present and disseminate advances in different fields of the contemporary fundamental and applied mathematics, and to promote new cutting edge directions in Mathematics. The seminar hosts scientific reports by collaborators and visitors of the ICMS, as well as colloquium-style lectures by invited speakers. The interdisciplinary features of the ICMS are reflected in the variety of topics covered in the seminar, ranging in algebraic and differential geometry, number theory, category theory, combinatorics, representation theory, mathematical physics, algebraic coding theory, etc. The venue is open to a wide audience, and the lectures are followed by time for interaction and discussion.

  • Tuesday, 14:00 (Sofia time)

  • Hall 403, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sceinces

  • Moderator: Valdemar Tsanov, IMI-BAS

Seminar issues

Rational points and Campana points on toric varieties and their subvarieties, talk by Marta Pieropan

A seminar talk by Marta Pieropan, Utrecht University

Abstract: In joint work with Damaris Schindler we develop a new version of the hyperbola method for counting rational points of bounded height that generalizes the work of Blomer and Brüdern for products of projective spaces. The hyperbola method transforms a counting problem into an optimization problem on certain polytopes. For rational points on subvarieties of toric varieties, the polytopes have a geometric meaning that reflects Manin's conjecture, and the same holds for counts of Campana points of bounded height. I will present our results as well as some general heuristics.

July 26th, 2024|Categories: ICMS Seminar, News|

Multivariate P- and Q-polynomial association schemes, talk by Eiichi Bannai

The talk aims to review the progress in the study of higher rank P-and Q-polynomial association schemes, starting with the foundational concepts and recent advancements as outlined in the referenced papers. It will provide explicit examples of multivariate P-and Q-polynomial association schemes and explore the implications of these developments. The discussion will draw from multiple sources, including recent significant contributions by Bernard et al. and Crampé et al., and will conclude with speculations on future directions for research in this area.

This talk is based on the two joint papers with Hirotake  Kurihara (Yamaguchi University), Da Zhao (East China University of Science  and Technology) and Yan Zhu (Shanghai University for Science and Technology).  

May 23rd, 2024|Categories: ICMS Seminar, News|

Quantum circuit complexity for light polarisation or complexity with no complex number, talk by Jean-Pierre Gazeau

I will present a form of quantum circuit complexity that extends to open systems. To illustrate the methodology, I  focus on a basic model where the Hilbert space of states is represented by the Euclidean plane. Specifically, the  investigation is about the dynamics of mixed quantum states as they undergo interactions with a sequence of gates.

February 8th, 2024|Categories: ICMS Seminar, News|
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