Yukawa regulators in electrodynamics: Exact approach to the self-energy and anomalous g-factor, ICMS seminar talk by Miroslav Georgiev

4 February 2025 @ 14:00-4 February 2025 @ 15:30-
In the present talk, we will discuss the prospect of electrodynamics in quantifying the self-interaction of a non-composite charged particle. We will demonstrate that under the consideration of unique to the particle Yukawa cut-offs the radial singularity in corresponding electromagnetic field potentials’ is removed allowing the classical theory to admit exact solutions for the particle’s self-energy and anomalous g-factor. Highly accurate results for the electron’s and muon’s anomalous g-factor will be presented, with calculated values matching the most recent measurements reported in the literature to 0.59 ppt and 60 ppt, respectively.

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